Wednesday 3 June 2015

Catch up !

While I know my blog isn't thriving, in terms of followings or content, I still feel obliged to apologise profusely with my lack of posting. My blog is something I wish to grow and become successful as it's something I really do enjoy investing my time in, but it just so happens to unfortunately not be something I have much spare time to do. Saying that, the summer is approaching and with it ample opportunities to build and work upon my blog and produce good strong content, which I can hopefully continue working on in the future. 

Currently sitting the last couple of my A-Level exams, (writing this post in a 'revision break' which will probably last a couple of hours) come September I will begin my studying at the London College of Fashion as a Fashion Journalism student as mentioned so many times before and it's literally something that I can't sit still about, I just want to be there now. Living in London is an absolute dream of mine and the opportunity to be surrounded by tonnes of like minded people with strong interests like mine is so exciting. If anyone attends I would love to hear your views on the college and life at LCF!

The end of my exams however will be met with a dreeeaammmy holiday in sunny Morocco at the ClubHotel Riu Tikida Palmeraie just outside Marrakech and I literally cannot stop thinking about it. Any hint of sunshine sends me into a dazed dream-like state, wistfully wishing for my week away to be sooner! It's upsetting my holiday's only to be a week however, my living situation for my life a university is very expensive and I literally wouldn't be able to survive if I were to indulge too much.

Other than that and trying to not go into too much detail about these things (things which I intend to create blog posts on in greater depth) there isn't much else going on in my little life other than 'solid revising' (online shopping) and working part time, however they're things that have consumed a lot of my time recently preventing me from posting on here.

I have a thing for being way too wordy on my posts and this is definitely no exception. I do hope however that with more time being dedicated to my blog, I will soon be posting some more exciting and worthwhile things that people may actually want to read.

If you made it this far, you're a trooper 

b x

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